REST API Perl Code Examples
You are reading the REST API Code Examples. Click for the HTTP API.
Sending SMS Messages |
Sends SMS text messages via a shared short code to a single phone number or an array of phone numbers. |
Code Samples | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use XML::Simple; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&Subject=From Winnie"; $params.= "&Message=I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me"; $params.= "&PhoneNumbers[]=2123456785&PhoneNumbers[]=2123456786"; $params.= "&MessageTypeID=1&StampToSend=1305582245"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { $PhoneNumbers = $response->{Entry}->{PhoneNumbers}->{PhoneNumber}; $LocalOptOuts = $response->{Entry}->{LocalOptOuts}->{PhoneNumber}; $GlobalOptOuts = $response->{Entry}->{GlobalOptOuts}->{PhoneNumber}; print 'Message ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n" . 'Subject: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Subject} . "\n" . 'Message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Message} . "\n" . 'Message Type ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{MessageTypeID} . "\n" . 'Total Recipients: ' . $response->{Entry}->{RecipientsCount} . "\n" . 'Credits Charged: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Credits} . "\n" . 'Time To Send: ' . $response->{Entry}->{StampToSend} . "\n". 'Phone Numbers: ' . (ref($PhoneNumbers) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$PhoneNumbers}) : $PhoneNumbers) . "\n" . 'Locally Opted Out Numbers: ' . (ref($LocalOptOuts) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$LocalOptOuts}) : $LocalOptOuts) . "\n" . 'Globally Opted Out Numbers: ' . (ref($GlobalOptOuts) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$GlobalOptOuts}) : $GlobalOptOuts) . "\n"; } else { $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error}; print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n"; } | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use JSON::XS; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&Subject=From Winnie"; $params.= "&Message=I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me"; $params.= "&PhoneNumbers[]=2123456785&PhoneNumbers[]=2123456786"; $params.= "&MessageTypeID=1&StampToSend=1305582245"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Message ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n". 'Subject: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Subject} . "\n" . 'Message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Message} . "\n" . 'Message Type ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{MessageTypeID} . "\n" . 'Total Recipients: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{RecipientsCount} . "\n" . 'Credits Charged: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Credits} . "\n" . 'Time To Send: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{StampToSend} . "\n". 'Phone Numbers: ' . join(', ', @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{PhoneNumbers}}) . "\n" . 'Locally Opted Out Numbers: ' . join(', ', @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{LocalOptOuts}}) . "\n" . 'Globally Opted Out Numbers: ' . join(', ', @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{GlobalOptOuts}}) . "\n"; } else { foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) { print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n"; } } |
Inbox & Folders |
When working with the Inbox and Folder you can perform nine actions: Post (Add New Folder), Put (Update A Folder/Move A Message Between Folders), Delete (Delete A Message/Folder), Get (Get Inbox Message/Folder By ID), Index (Get All Messages/All Folders). The code samples below use the shared libraries: |
Code Samples - Inbox Messages | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use SmsTextingAPI; use Data::Dumper; use feature qw(say); say 'XML encoding.'; my $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::XML, ""); say 'Get incomingMessages'; my $response = $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE); say Dumper($response); my $incomingMessageId = $response->{Entries}[0]->{ID}; my $incomingMessageId2 = $response->{Entries}[1]->{ID}; my $incomingMessageIdsArray = [$incomingMessageId, $incomingMessageId2]; say 'Move incomingMessages'; $response = $sms->moveMessagesToFolder('88', $incomingMessageIdsArray ); say Dumper($response); say 'Get incomingMessage'; $response = $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId2); say Dumper($response); say 'Delete incomingMessage'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId); say Dumper($response); say 'Second delete. try to get error'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId); say Dumper($response); | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use SmsTextingAPI; use Data::Dumper; use feature qw(say); say 'JSON encoding.'; $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::JSON, ""); say 'Get incomingMessages'; $response = $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE); say Dumper($response); $incomingMessageId = $response->{Entries}[0]->{ID}; say 'Move incomingMessage'; $response = $sms->moveMessagesToFolder('75', $incomingMessageId); say Dumper($response); say 'Get incomingMessage'; $response = $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId); say Dumper($response); say 'Delete incomingMessage'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId); say Dumper($response); say 'Second delete. try to get error'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId); say Dumper($response); |
Code Samples - Inbox Folders | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use SmsTextingAPI; use Data::Dumper; use feature qw(say); say 'XML encoding.'; my $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::XML, ""); say 'Get folders'; my $response = $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER); say Dumper($response); say 'Create folder'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, 'Name' => 'Customers'); say Dumper($response); say 'Get folder'; my $folderId = $response->{Entry}->{ID}; $response = $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId); say Dumper($response); say 'Update folder'; my $folder = $response->{Entry}; $folder->{'Name'} = 'Customers2'; $folder->{ID} = $folderId; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, %$folder); say Dumper($response); say 'Delete folder'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId); say Dumper($response); say 'Second delete. try to get error'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId); say Dumper($response); | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use SmsTextingAPI; use Data::Dumper; use feature qw(say); say 'JSON encoding.'; $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::JSON, ""); say 'Get folders'; $response = $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER); say Dumper($response); say 'Create folder'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, 'Name' => 'Customers'); say Dumper($response); say 'Get folder'; $folderId = $response->{Entry}->{ID}; $response = $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId); say Dumper($response); say 'Update folder'; $folder = $response->{Entry}; $folder->{'Name'} = 'Customers2'; $folder->{ID} = $folderId; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, %$folder); say Dumper($response); say 'Delete folder'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId); say Dumper($response); say 'Second delete. try to get error'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId); say Dumper($response); |
Check Keyword Availability |
Check whether a Keyword is available to rent on EZ Texting's short code. Please note, we will check availability for the country your account is set to. |
Code Samples | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use XML::Simple; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&Keyword=honey"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "".$params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n". 'Availability: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Available} . "\n"; } else { $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error}; print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n"; } | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use JSON::XS; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&Keyword=honey"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "".$params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n". 'Availability: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Available} . "\n"; } else { foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) { print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n"; } } |
Code Samples - Stored Card | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use XML::Simple; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=demo&Password=texting121212"; $params.= "&Subject=From Winnie"; $params.= "&Keyword=honey"; $params.= "&StoredCreditCard=1111"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { $groups = $response->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}->{Group}; print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n". 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" . 'Is double opt-in enabled: ' . $response->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" . 'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" . 'Join message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" . 'Forward email: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" . 'Forward url: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" . 'Groups: ' . (ref($groups) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$groups}) : $groups)."\n"; } else { $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error}; print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n"; } | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use JSON::XS; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=demo&Password=texting121212"; $params.= "&Subject=From Winnie"; $params.= "&Keyword=honey"; $params.= "&StoredCreditCard=1111"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n". 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" . 'Is double opt-in enabled: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" . 'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" . 'Join message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" . 'Forward email: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" . 'Forward url: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" . 'Groups: ' . join(', ' , @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}}) . "\n"; } else { foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) { print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n"; } } |
Code Samples - Non-Stored Card | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use XML::Simple; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&Subject=From Winnie"; $params.= "&Keyword=honey"; $params.= "&FirstName=Winnie"; $params.= "&LastName=The Pooh"; $params.= "&Street=Hollow tree, under the name of Mr. Sanders"; $params.= "&City=Hundred Acre Woods"; $params.= "&State=New York"; $params.= "&Zip=12345"; $params.= "&Country=US"; $params.= "&CreditCardTypeID=Visa"; $params.= "&Number=4111111111111111"; $params.= "&SecurityCode=123"; $params.= "&ExpirationMonth=10"; $params.= "&ExpirationYear=2017"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { $groups = $response->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}->{Group}; print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n". 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" . 'Is double opt-in enabled: ' . $response->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" . 'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" . 'Join message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" . 'Forward email: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" . 'Forward url: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" . 'Groups: ' . (ref($groups) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$groups}) : $groups)."\n"; } else { $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error}; print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n"; } | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use JSON::XS; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&Subject=From Winnie"; $params.= "&Keyword=honey"; $params.= "&FirstName=Winnie"; $params.= "&LastName=The Pooh"; $params.= "&Street=Hollow tree, under the name of Mr. Sanders"; $params.= "&City=Hundred Acre Woods"; $params.= "&State=New York"; $params.= "&Zip=12345"; $params.= "&Country=US"; $params.= "&CreditCardTypeID=Visa"; $params.= "&Number=4111111111111111"; $params.= "&SecurityCode=123"; $params.= "&ExpirationMonth=10"; $params.= "&ExpirationYear=2017"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n". 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" . 'Is double opt-in enabled: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" . 'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" . 'Join message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" . 'Forward email: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" . 'Forward url: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" . 'Groups: ' . join(', ' , @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}}) . "\n"; } else { foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) { print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n"; } } |
Setup A Keyword |
Configures an active Keyword for use on EZ Texting's short code in the country your account is set to send messages to. |
Code Samples | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use XML::Simple; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&EnableDoubleOptIn=1"; $params.= "&ConfirmMessage=Reply Y to join our sweetest list"; $params.= "&JoinMessage=The only reason for being a bee that I know of, is to make honey. And the only reason for making honey, is so as I can eat it."; $params.= '&'; $params.= "&ForwardUrl="; $params.= "&ContactGroupIDs[]=honey"; $params.= "&ContactGroupIDs[]=lovers"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);#(ForceArray => 1) print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { $groups = $response->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}->{Group}; print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n". 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" . 'Is double opt-in enabled: ' . $response->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" . 'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" . 'Join message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" . 'Forward email: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" . 'Forward url: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" . 'Groups: ' . (ref($groups) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$groups}) : $groups)."\n"; } else { $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error}; print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n"; } | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use JSON::XS; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&EnableDoubleOptIn=1"; $params.= "&ConfirmMessage=Reply Y to join our sweetest list"; $params.= "&JoinMessage=The only reason for being a bee that I know of, is to make honey. And the only reason for making honey, is so as I can eat it."; $params.= '&'; $params.= "&ForwardUrl="; $params.= "&ContactGroupIDs[]=honey"; $params.= "&ContactGroupIDs[]=lovers"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n". 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" . 'Is double opt-in enabled: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" . 'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" . 'Join message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" . 'Forward email: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" . 'Forward url: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" . 'Groups: ' . join(', ', @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}})."\n"; } else { foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) { print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n"; } } |
Cancel A Keyword |
Cancels an active Keyword on EZ Texting's short code in the country your account is set to send messages to. |
Code Samples | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use XML::Simple; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; if (!$isSuccesResponse) { $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n"; $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error}; print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n"; } | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use JSON::XS; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; if (!$isSuccesResponse) { $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n"; foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) { print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n"; } } |
Check Credit Balance |
Checks credit balances on your account. |
Code Samples | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use XML::Simple; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "".$params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" . 'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" . 'Total: ' . $response->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n"; } else { $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error}; print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n"; } | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use JSON::XS; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "".$params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" . 'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" . 'Total: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n"; } else { foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) { print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n"; } } |
Buy Credits |
Buys more credits for your account. You may purchase credits using a credit card you have stored in your EZ Texting account, or you may pass credit card details when you call the API. |
Code Samples - Stored Card | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use XML::Simple; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=demo&Password=texting121212"; $params.= "&NumberOfCredits=1000"; $params.= "&CouponCode=honey2011"; $params.= "&StoredCreditCard=1111"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Credits purchased: ' . $response->{Entry}->{BoughtCredits} . "\n" . 'Amount charged, $: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Amount} . "\n" . 'Discount, $: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Discount} . "\n" . 'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" . 'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" . 'Total: ' . $response->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n"; } else { $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error}; print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n"; } | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use JSON::XS; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=demo&Password=texting121212"; $params.= "&NumberOfCredits=1000"; $params.= "&CouponCode=honey2011"; $params.= "&StoredCreditCard=1111"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Credits purchased: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{BoughtCredits} . "\n" . 'Amount charged, $: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Amount} . "\n" . 'Discount, $: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Discount} . "\n" . 'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" . 'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" . 'Total: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n"; } else { foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) { print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n"; } } |
Code Samples - Non-Stored Card | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use XML::Simple; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&NumberOfCredits=1000"; $params.= "&CouponCode=honey2011"; $params.= "&FirstName=Winnie"; $params.= "&LastName=The Pooh"; $params.= "&Street=Hollow tree, under the name of Mr. Sanders"; $params.= "&City=Hundred Acre Woods"; $params.= "&State=New York"; $params.= "&Zip=12345"; $params.= "&Country=US"; $params.= "&CreditCardTypeID=Visa"; $params.= "&Number=4111111111111111"; $params.= "&SecurityCode=123"; $params.= "&ExpirationMonth=10"; $params.= "&ExpirationYear=2017"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Credits purchased: ' . $response->{Entry}->{BoughtCredits} . "\n" . 'Amount charged, $: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Amount} . "\n" . 'Discount, $: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Discount} . "\n" . 'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" . 'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" . 'Total: ' . $response->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n"; } else { $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error}; print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n"; } | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use JSON::XS; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1); $params = ""; $params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh"; $params.= "&NumberOfCredits=1000"; $params.= "&CouponCode=honey2011"; $params.= "&FirstName=Winnie"; $params.= "&LastName=The Pooh"; $params.= "&Street=Hollow tree, under the name of Mr. Sanders"; $params.= "&City=Hundred Acre Woods"; $params.= "&State=New York"; $params.= "&Zip=12345"; $params.= "&Country=US"; $params.= "&CreditCardTypeID=Visa"; $params.= "&Number=4111111111111111"; $params.= "&SecurityCode=123"; $params.= "&ExpirationMonth=10"; $params.= "&ExpirationYear=2017"; my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => ""); $responde->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $responde->content($params); $responseObj = $ua->request($responde); print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n"; $responseCode = $responseObj->code; print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n"; $isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400; $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content); print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" . 'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n"; if ($isSuccesResponse) { print 'Credits purchased: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{BoughtCredits} . "\n" . 'Amount charged, $: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Amount} . "\n" . 'Discount, $: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Discount} . "\n" . 'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" . 'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" . 'Total: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n"; } else { foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) { print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n"; } } |
Contacts |
When working with Contacts you can perform five actions: Post (Add New Contact), Put (Update/Edit A Contact), Delete (Delete A Contact), Get (Get Contact By ID), Index (Get All Contacts). The code samples below use shared libraries: |
Code Samples | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use SmsTextingAPI; use Data::Dumper; use feature qw(say); say 'XML encoding.'; my $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::XML, ""); say 'Get contacts'; my $response = $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, 'source' => 'upload', 'optout' => 'false', 'group' => 'Honey Lovers', 'sortBy' => 'PhoneNumber', 'sortDir' => 'asc', 'itemsPerPage' => '10', 'page' => '3'); say Dumper($response); say 'Create contact'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, 'PhoneNumber' => '2123456945', 'FirstName' => 'Piglet', 'LastName' => 'P.', 'Email' => '', 'Note' => 'It is hard to be brave, when you are only a Very Small Animal.', 'Groups' => ['Friends', 'Neighbors']); say Dumper($response); say 'Get contact'; my $contactId = $response->{Entry}->{ID}; $response = $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId); say Dumper($response); say 'Update contact'; my $contact = $response->{Entry}; $contact->{'LastName'} = 'test'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, %$contact); say Dumper($response); say 'Delete contact'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId); say Dumper($response); say 'Second delete. try to get error'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId); say Dumper($response); | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use SmsTextingAPI; use Data::Dumper; use feature qw(say); say 'JSON encoding.'; $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::JSON, ""); say 'Get contacts'; $response = $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, 'source' => 'upload', 'optout' => 'false', 'group' => 'Honey Lovers', 'sortBy' => 'PhoneNumber', 'sortDir' => 'asc', 'itemsPerPage' => '10', 'page' => '3'); say Dumper($response); say 'Create contact'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, 'PhoneNumber' => '2123456945', 'FirstName' => 'Piglet', 'LastName' => 'P.', 'Email' => '', 'Note' => 'It is hard to be brave, when you are only a Very Small Animal.', 'Groups' => ['Friends', 'Neighbors']); say Dumper($response); say 'Get contact'; $contactId = $response->{Entry}->{ID}; $response = $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId); say Dumper($response); say 'Update contact'; $contact = $response->{Entry}; $contact->{'LastName'} = 'test'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, %$contact); say Dumper($response); say 'Delete contact'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId); say Dumper($response); say 'Second delete. try to get error'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId); say Dumper($response); |
Groups |
When working with Groups you can perform five actions: Post (Add New Group), Put (Update/Edit A Group), Delete (Delete A Group), Get (Get Group By ID), Index (Get All Groups). The code samples below use shared libraries: |
Code Samples | |
Perl - XML#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use SmsTextingAPI; use Data::Dumper; use feature qw(say); say 'XML encoding.'; my $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::XML, ""); say 'Get groups'; my $response = $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, 'sortBy' => 'Name'); say Dumper($response); say 'Create group'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, 'Name' => 'Tubby Bears', 'Note' => 'A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise'); say Dumper($response); say 'Get group'; my $groupId = $response->{Entry}->{ID}; $response = $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId); say Dumper($response); say 'Update group'; my $group = $response->{Entry}; $group->{'Note'} = 'test'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, %$group); say Dumper($response); say 'Delete group'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId); say Dumper($response); say 'Second delete. try to get error'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId); say Dumper($response); | |
Perl - JSON#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use SmsTextingAPI; use Data::Dumper; use feature qw(say); say 'JSON encoding.'; $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::JSON, ""); say 'Get groups'; $response = $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, 'sortBy' => 'Name'); say Dumper($response); say 'Create group'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, 'Name' => 'Tubby Bears', 'Note' => 'A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise'); say Dumper($response); say 'Get group'; $groupId = $response->{Entry}->{ID}; $response = $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId); say Dumper($response); say 'Update group'; $group = $response->{Entry}; $group->{'Note'} = 'test'; $response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, %$group); say Dumper($response); say 'Delete group'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId); say Dumper($response); say 'Second delete. try to get error'; $response = $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId); say Dumper($response); |