REST API Perl Code Examples

Get Started With EZ Texting's REST SMS API

You are reading the REST API Code Examples. Click for the HTTP API.

Sending SMS Messages

Sends SMS text messages via a shared short code to a single phone number or an array of phone numbers.

Code Samples

Perl - XML
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use XML::Simple;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&Subject=From Winnie";
$params.= "&Message=I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me";
$params.= "&PhoneNumbers[]=2123456785&PhoneNumbers[]=2123456786";
$params.= "&MessageTypeID=1&StampToSend=1305582245";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    $PhoneNumbers = $response->{Entry}->{PhoneNumbers}->{PhoneNumber};
    $LocalOptOuts = $response->{Entry}->{LocalOptOuts}->{PhoneNumber};
    $GlobalOptOuts = $response->{Entry}->{GlobalOptOuts}->{PhoneNumber};
    print 'Message ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n" .
          'Subject: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Subject} . "\n" .
          'Message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Message} . "\n" .
          'Message Type ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{MessageTypeID} . "\n" .
          'Total Recipients: ' . $response->{Entry}->{RecipientsCount} . "\n" .
          'Credits Charged: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Credits} . "\n" .
          'Time To Send: ' . $response->{Entry}->{StampToSend} . "\n".
          'Phone Numbers: ' . (ref($PhoneNumbers) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$PhoneNumbers}) : $PhoneNumbers) . "\n" .
          'Locally Opted Out Numbers: ' . (ref($LocalOptOuts) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$LocalOptOuts}) : $LocalOptOuts) . "\n" .
          'Globally Opted Out Numbers: ' . (ref($GlobalOptOuts) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$GlobalOptOuts}) : $GlobalOptOuts) . "\n";
} else {
    $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error};
    print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n";

Perl - JSON
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use JSON::XS;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&Subject=From Winnie";
$params.= "&Message=I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me";
$params.= "&PhoneNumbers[]=2123456785&PhoneNumbers[]=2123456786";
$params.= "&MessageTypeID=1&StampToSend=1305582245";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Message ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n".
          'Subject: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Subject} . "\n" .
          'Message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Message} . "\n" .
          'Message Type ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{MessageTypeID} . "\n" .
          'Total Recipients: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{RecipientsCount} . "\n" .
          'Credits Charged: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Credits} . "\n" .
          'Time To Send: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{StampToSend} . "\n".
          'Phone Numbers: ' . join(', ', @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{PhoneNumbers}}) . "\n" .
          'Locally Opted Out Numbers: ' . join(', ', @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{LocalOptOuts}}) . "\n" .
          'Globally Opted Out Numbers: ' . join(', ', @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{GlobalOptOuts}}) . "\n";
} else {
    foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) {
        print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n";




Inbox & Folders

When working with the Inbox and Folder you can perform nine actions: Post (Add New Folder), Put (Update A Folder/Move A Message Between Folders), Delete (Delete A Message/Folder), Get (Get Inbox Message/Folder By ID), Index (Get All Messages/All Folders). The code samples below use the shared libraries: 
You can download them, along with the code samples here:

Code Samples - Inbox Messages

Perl - XML

use warnings;
use strict;
use SmsTextingAPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature qw(say);

say 'XML encoding.';
my $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::XML, "");

say 'Get incomingMessages';
my $response =  $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE);
say Dumper($response);

my $incomingMessageId = $response->{Entries}[0]->{ID};
my $incomingMessageId2 = $response->{Entries}[1]->{ID};
my $incomingMessageIdsArray = [$incomingMessageId, $incomingMessageId2];

say 'Move incomingMessages';
$response = $sms->moveMessagesToFolder('88', $incomingMessageIdsArray );
say Dumper($response);

say 'Get incomingMessage';
$response =  $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId2);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Delete incomingMessage';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Second delete. try to get error';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId);
say Dumper($response);
Perl - JSON

use warnings;
use strict;
use SmsTextingAPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature qw(say);

say 'JSON encoding.';
$sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::JSON, "");

say 'Get incomingMessages';
$response =  $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE);
say Dumper($response);

$incomingMessageId = $response->{Entries}[0]->{ID};

say 'Move incomingMessage';
$response = $sms->moveMessagesToFolder('75', $incomingMessageId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Get incomingMessage';
$response =  $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Delete incomingMessage';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Second delete. try to get error';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::INCOMING_MESSAGE, $incomingMessageId);
say Dumper($response);


Code Samples - Inbox Folders

Perl - XML

use warnings;
use strict;
use SmsTextingAPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature qw(say);

say 'XML encoding.';
my $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::XML, "");

say 'Get folders';
my $response =  $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Create folder';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER,
    'Name'        => 'Customers');
say Dumper($response);

say 'Get folder';
my $folderId = $response->{Entry}->{ID};
$response =  $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Update folder';
my $folder = $response->{Entry};
$folder->{'Name'} = 'Customers2';
$folder->{ID} = $folderId;
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, %$folder);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Delete folder';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Second delete. try to get error';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId);
say Dumper($response);
Perl - JSON

use warnings;
use strict;
use SmsTextingAPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature qw(say);

say 'JSON encoding.';
$sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::JSON, "");

say 'Get folders';
$response =  $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Create folder';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER,
    'Name'        => 'Customers');
say Dumper($response);

say 'Get folder';
$folderId = $response->{Entry}->{ID};
$response =  $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Update folder';
$folder = $response->{Entry};
$folder->{'Name'} = 'Customers2';
$folder->{ID} = $folderId;
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, %$folder);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Delete folder';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Second delete. try to get error';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::FOLDER, $folderId);
say Dumper($response);



Check Keyword Availability

Check whether a Keyword is available to rent on EZ Texting's short code. Please note, we will check availability for the country your account is set to.

Code Samples

Perl - XML
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use XML::Simple;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&Keyword=honey";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "".$params);

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n".
          'Availability: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Available} . "\n";
} else {
    $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error};
    print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n";
Perl - JSON
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use JSON::XS;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&Keyword=honey";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "".$params);

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Keyword: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n".
          'Availability: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Available} . "\n";
} else {
    foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) {
        print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n";




Rent Keyword

Rents a Keyword for use on EZ Texting's short code in the country your account is set to send messages to. You may rent a Keyword using a credit card you have stored in your EZ Texting account, or you may pass credit card details when you call the API.

Code Samples - Stored Card

Perl - XML
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use XML::Simple;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=demo&Password=texting121212";
$params.= "&Subject=From Winnie";
$params.= "&Keyword=honey";
$params.= "&StoredCreditCard=1111";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    $groups = $response->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}->{Group};
    print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n".
          'Keyword: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" .
          'Is double opt-in enabled: ' .  $response->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" .
          'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" .
          'Join message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" .
          'Forward email: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" .
          'Forward url: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" .
          'Groups: ' . (ref($groups) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$groups}) : $groups)."\n";
} else {
    $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error};
    print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n";

Perl - JSON
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use JSON::XS;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=demo&Password=texting121212";
$params.= "&Subject=From Winnie";
$params.= "&Keyword=honey";
$params.= "&StoredCreditCard=1111";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n".
          'Keyword: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" .
          'Is double opt-in enabled: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" .
          'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" .
          'Join message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" .
          'Forward email: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" .
          'Forward url: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" .
          'Groups: ' . join(', ' , @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}}) . "\n";
} else {
    foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) {
        print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n";

Code Samples - Non-Stored Card

Perl - XML
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use XML::Simple;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&Subject=From Winnie";
$params.= "&Keyword=honey";
$params.= "&FirstName=Winnie";
$params.= "&LastName=The Pooh";
$params.= "&Street=Hollow tree, under the name of Mr. Sanders";
$params.= "&City=Hundred Acre Woods";
$params.= "&State=New York";
$params.= "&Zip=12345";
$params.= "&Country=US";
$params.= "&CreditCardTypeID=Visa";
$params.= "&Number=4111111111111111";
$params.= "&SecurityCode=123";
$params.= "&ExpirationMonth=10";
$params.= "&ExpirationYear=2017";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    $groups = $response->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}->{Group};
    print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n".
          'Keyword: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" .
          'Is double opt-in enabled: ' .  $response->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" .
          'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" .
          'Join message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" .
          'Forward email: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" .
          'Forward url: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" .
          'Groups: ' . (ref($groups) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$groups}) : $groups)."\n";
} else {
    $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error};
    print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n";

Perl - JSON
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use JSON::XS;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&Subject=From Winnie";
$params.= "&Keyword=honey";
$params.= "&FirstName=Winnie";
$params.= "&LastName=The Pooh";
$params.= "&Street=Hollow tree, under the name of Mr. Sanders";
$params.= "&City=Hundred Acre Woods";
$params.= "&State=New York";
$params.= "&Zip=12345";
$params.= "&Country=US";
$params.= "&CreditCardTypeID=Visa";
$params.= "&Number=4111111111111111";
$params.= "&SecurityCode=123";
$params.= "&ExpirationMonth=10";
$params.= "&ExpirationYear=2017";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n".
          'Keyword: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" .
          'Is double opt-in enabled: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" .
          'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" .
          'Join message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" .
          'Forward email: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" .
          'Forward url: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" .
          'Groups: ' . join(', ' , @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}}) . "\n";
} else {
    foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) {
        print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n";



Setup A Keyword

Configures an active Keyword for use on EZ Texting's short code in the country your account is set to send messages to.

Code Samples

Perl - XML
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use XML::Simple;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&EnableDoubleOptIn=1";
$params.= "&ConfirmMessage=Reply Y to join our sweetest list";
$params.= "&JoinMessage=The only reason for being a bee that I know of, is to make honey. And the only reason for making honey, is so as I can eat it.";
$params.= '&';
$params.= "&ForwardUrl=";
$params.= "&ContactGroupIDs[]=honey";
$params.= "&ContactGroupIDs[]=lovers";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);#(ForceArray => 1)

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    $groups = $response->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}->{Group};
    print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n".
          'Keyword: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" .
          'Is double opt-in enabled: ' .  $response->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" .
          'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" .
          'Join message: ' . $response->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" .
          'Forward email: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" .
          'Forward url: ' . $response->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" .
          'Groups: ' . (ref($groups) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$groups}) : $groups)."\n";
} else {
    $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error};
    print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n";


Perl - JSON
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use JSON::XS;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&EnableDoubleOptIn=1";
$params.= "&ConfirmMessage=Reply Y to join our sweetest list";
$params.= "&JoinMessage=The only reason for being a bee that I know of, is to make honey. And the only reason for making honey, is so as I can eat it.";
$params.= '&';
$params.= "&ForwardUrl=";
$params.= "&ContactGroupIDs[]=honey";
$params.= "&ContactGroupIDs[]=lovers";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Keyword ID: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ID} . "\n".
          'Keyword: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Keyword} . "\n" .
          'Is double opt-in enabled: ' .  $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{EnableDoubleOptIn} . "\n" .
          'Confirm message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ConfirmMessage} . "\n" .
          'Join message: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{JoinMessage} . "\n" .
          'Forward email: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardEmail} . "\n" .
          'Forward url: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ForwardUrl} . "\n" .
          'Groups: ' . join(', ', @{$response->{Response}->{Entry}->{ContactGroupIDs}})."\n";
} else {
    foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) {
        print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n";




Cancel A Keyword

Cancels an active Keyword on EZ Texting's short code in the country your account is set to send messages to.

Code Samples

Perl - XML
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use XML::Simple;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

if (!$isSuccesResponse) {
    $response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);
    print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" .
          'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n";
    $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error};
    print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n";

Perl - JSON
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use JSON::XS;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

if (!$isSuccesResponse) {
    $response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content);
    print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" .
          'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n";
    foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) {
        print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n";



Check Credit Balance

Checks credit balances on your account.

Code Samples

Perl - XML
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use XML::Simple;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "".$params);

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" .
          'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" .
          'Total: ' . $response->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n";
} else {
    $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error};
    print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n";

Perl - JSON
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use JSON::XS;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "".$params);

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" .
          'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" .
          'Total: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n";
} else {
    foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) {
        print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n";



Buy Credits

Buys more credits for your account. You may purchase credits using a credit card you have stored in your EZ Texting account, or you may pass credit card details when you call the API.

Code Samples - Stored Card

Perl - XML
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use XML::Simple;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=demo&Password=texting121212";
$params.= "&NumberOfCredits=1000";
$params.= "&CouponCode=honey2011";
$params.= "&StoredCreditCard=1111";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Credits purchased: ' . $response->{Entry}->{BoughtCredits} . "\n" .
          'Amount charged, $: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Amount} . "\n" .
          'Discount, $: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Discount} . "\n" .
          'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" .
          'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" .
          'Total: ' . $response->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n";
} else {
    $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error};
    print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n";

Perl - JSON
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use JSON::XS;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=demo&Password=texting121212";
$params.= "&NumberOfCredits=1000";
$params.= "&CouponCode=honey2011";
$params.= "&StoredCreditCard=1111";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Credits purchased: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{BoughtCredits} . "\n" .
          'Amount charged, $: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Amount} . "\n" .
          'Discount, $: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Discount} . "\n" .
          'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" .
          'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" .
          'Total: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n";
} else {
    foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) {
        print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n";

Code Samples - Non-Stored Card

Perl - XML
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use XML::Simple;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&NumberOfCredits=1000";
$params.= "&CouponCode=honey2011";
$params.= "&FirstName=Winnie";
$params.= "&LastName=The Pooh";
$params.= "&Street=Hollow tree, under the name of Mr. Sanders";
$params.= "&City=Hundred Acre Woods";
$params.= "&State=New York";
$params.= "&Zip=12345";
$params.= "&Country=US";
$params.= "&CreditCardTypeID=Visa";
$params.= "&Number=4111111111111111";
$params.= "&SecurityCode=123";
$params.= "&ExpirationMonth=10";
$params.= "&ExpirationYear=2017";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Credits purchased: ' . $response->{Entry}->{BoughtCredits} . "\n" .
          'Amount charged, $: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Amount} . "\n" .
          'Discount, $: ' . $response->{Entry}->{Discount} . "\n" .
          'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" .
          'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" .
          'Total: ' . $response->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n";
} else {
    $errors = $response->{Errors}->{Error};
    print 'Errors: ' .(ref($errors) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{$errors}) : $errors) . "\n";

Perl - JSON
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use JSON::XS;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive=>1);

$params = "";
$params.= "User=winnie&Password=the-pooh";
$params.= "&NumberOfCredits=1000";
$params.= "&CouponCode=honey2011";
$params.= "&FirstName=Winnie";
$params.= "&LastName=The Pooh";
$params.= "&Street=Hollow tree, under the name of Mr. Sanders";
$params.= "&City=Hundred Acre Woods";
$params.= "&State=New York";
$params.= "&Zip=12345";
$params.= "&Country=US";
$params.= "&CreditCardTypeID=Visa";
$params.= "&Number=4111111111111111";
$params.= "&SecurityCode=123";
$params.= "&ExpirationMonth=10";
$params.= "&ExpirationYear=2017";

my $responde = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "");

$responseObj = $ua->request($responde);

print $responseObj->content."\n--------------------\n";

$responseCode = $responseObj->code;
print 'Response code: ' . $responseCode . "\n";
$isSuccesResponse = $responseCode < 400;

$response = JSON::XS->new->decode ($responseObj->content);

print 'Status: ' . $response->{Response}->{Status} . "\n" .
      'Code: ' . $response->{Response}->{Code} . "\n";
if ($isSuccesResponse) {
    print 'Credits purchased: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{BoughtCredits} . "\n" .
          'Amount charged, $: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Amount} . "\n" .
          'Discount, $: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{Discount} . "\n" .
          'Plan credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{PlanCredits} . "\n" .
          'Anytime credits: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{AnytimeCredits} . "\n" .
          'Total: ' . $response->{Response}->{Entry}->{TotalCredits} . "\n";
} else {
    foreach $err (@{$response->{Response}->{Errors}}) {
        print 'Error: ' . $err . "\n";






When working with Contacts you can perform five actions: Post (Add New Contact), Put (Update/Edit A Contact), Delete (Delete A Contact), Get (Get Contact By ID), Index (Get All Contacts). The code samples below use shared libraries: 
You can download them, along with the code samples here:

Code Samples

Perl - XML

use warnings;
use strict;
use SmsTextingAPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature qw(say);

say 'XML encoding.';
my $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::XML, "");

say 'Get contacts';
my $response =  $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, 
    'source'        => 'upload',
    'optout'        => 'false',
    'group'         => 'Honey Lovers',
    'sortBy'        => 'PhoneNumber',
    'sortDir'       => 'asc',
    'itemsPerPage'  => '10',
    'page'          => '3');
say Dumper($response);

say 'Create contact';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT,
    'PhoneNumber' => '2123456945',
    'FirstName'   => 'Piglet',
    'LastName'    => 'P.',
    'Email'       => '',
    'Note'        => 'It is hard to be brave, when you are only a Very Small Animal.',
    'Groups'   => ['Friends', 'Neighbors']);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Get contact';
my $contactId = $response->{Entry}->{ID};
$response =  $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Update contact';
my $contact = $response->{Entry};
$contact->{'LastName'} = 'test';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, %$contact);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Delete contact';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Second delete. try to get error';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId);
say Dumper($response);
Perl - JSON

use warnings;
use strict;
use SmsTextingAPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature qw(say);

say 'JSON encoding.';
$sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::JSON, "");

say 'Get contacts';
$response =  $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, 
    'source'        => 'upload',
    'optout'        => 'false',
    'group'         => 'Honey Lovers',
    'sortBy'        => 'PhoneNumber',
    'sortDir'       => 'asc',
    'itemsPerPage'  => '10',
    'page'          => '3');
say Dumper($response);

say 'Create contact';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT,
    'PhoneNumber' => '2123456945',
    'FirstName'   => 'Piglet',
    'LastName'    => 'P.',
    'Email'       => '',
    'Note'        => 'It is hard to be brave, when you are only a Very Small Animal.',
    'Groups'   => ['Friends', 'Neighbors']);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Get contact';
$contactId = $response->{Entry}->{ID};
$response =  $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Update contact';
$contact = $response->{Entry};
$contact->{'LastName'} = 'test';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, %$contact);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Delete contact';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Second delete. try to get error';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::CONTACT, $contactId);
say Dumper($response);





When working with Groups you can perform five actions: Post (Add New Group), Put (Update/Edit A Group), Delete (Delete A Group), Get (Get Group By ID), Index (Get All Groups). The code samples below use shared libraries: 
You can download them, along with the code samples here:

Code Samples

Perl - XML

use warnings;
use strict;
use SmsTextingAPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature qw(say);

say 'XML encoding.';
my $sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::XML, "");

say 'Get groups';
my $response =  $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, 'sortBy' => 'Name');
say Dumper($response);

say 'Create group';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP,
    'Name'        => 'Tubby Bears',
    'Note'        => 'A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise');
say Dumper($response);

say 'Get group';
my $groupId = $response->{Entry}->{ID};
$response =  $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Update group';
my $group = $response->{Entry};
$group->{'Note'} = 'test';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, %$group);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Delete group';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Second delete. try to get error';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId);
say Dumper($response);

Perl - JSON

use warnings;
use strict;
use SmsTextingAPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature qw(say);

say 'JSON encoding.';
$sms = new SmsTextingAPI("demouser", "password", SmsTextingAPI::JSON, "");

say 'Get groups';
$response =  $sms->getAll(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, 'sortBy' => 'Name');
say Dumper($response);

say 'Create group';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP,
    'Name'        => 'Tubby Bears',
    'Note'        => 'A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise');
say Dumper($response);

say 'Get group';
$groupId = $response->{Entry}->{ID};
$response =  $sms->get(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Update group';
$group = $response->{Entry};
$group->{'Note'} = 'test';
$response = $sms->put(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, %$group);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Delete group';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId);
say Dumper($response);

say 'Second delete. try to get error';
$response =  $sms->delete(SmsTextingAPI::GROUP, $groupId);
say Dumper($response);